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generating line中文是什么意思

用"generating line"造句"generating line"怎么读"generating line" in a sentence


  • 发生线
  • 母线
  • 生成线


  • Determines whether the runtime should generate line pragmas in the source code
  • Generating line of involute
  • The characteristics of dynamic response of points along generating line and circumferential line of the cylindrical shells are analyzed , and the effects of l / r ratio on the dynamic response of the cylindrical shells under line - loading are considered as well
  • By the support of national nature science foundation , some key problems of cvt were investigated , and some useful results were obtained as follows : ( 1 ) the relations between metal - belt misalignment in axial direction and transmission parameters were studied . by designing curved generating line pulley or adjusting the axial displacement of pulley , the degree of misalignment of the metal belt was decreaed
    本文在国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号: 59835160 ) ,国家教委重点项目(教技司( 98 ) 121号) ,重庆市科委攻关等项目的资助下,对cvt传动的若干关键问题进行了研究,本文的工作为cvt传动的研究、应用和开发奠定了基础。
用"generating line"造句  
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